Kansainvälisyys ja Erasmus+

Opiskelu Kyrönmaan Lukiossa

Kyrönmaan lukiossa on tehty jo yli kahdenkymmen vuoden ajan vuosittaisia matkoja ulkomaille. On ollut leirikouluja, joihin rahoitusta on hankittu yhdessä. Lisäksi on ollut EU:n rahoittamia hankkeita esim. Comenius ja Erasmus+.


Tammikuussa 2023 saimme Erasmus+ -vieraita Italiasta ja vastaavasti me vierailimme heidän luonaan syksyllä 2023.


Kansainvälisyys on siis jatkuvana lukiomme arjessa.





Syksyllä 2023 aloitimme Erasmus+ Feeding the Entrepreneur Inside You projektiin, jossa olivat mukana Kyrönmaan lukio sekä Licen Scientifico Statale "MICHELE GUERRISI”, Cittanova, Italiassa. Projekti kesti 2024 heinäkuuhun asti. Vuoden 2023 alussa Italialaiset kävivät Suomessa vierailulla ja vastaavasti lokakuussa lukiomme opiskelijat vierailivat Italiassa. Projektin tavoitteena oli saada oppilaat arvostamaan kulttuurien monimuotoisuutta, tutustumaan paikalliseen yrittäjyyteen sekä olemaan ylpeä omasta kulttuuristaan.

More about the project in english

Objectives of the project:

We wanted students to learn to celebrate cultural diversity as well as to learn to take pride in their own culture. They have learnt not only about food and local products in both countries, but also about history and traditions. They have got to know entrepreneurs and they have been given a chance to compare entrepreneurship in the two countries. They have had a chance to try their hand at planning a business of their own. Working together in transnational groups have boosted students' skills and confidence.

Activities that were implemented:

We arranged two mobilities, one in Isokyrö and the other in Cittanova. Those provided students with hand-on experiences, they got to plan and do things in practice in transnational teams around the theme of entrepreneurship.

During these activities the 17 guest students and their 17 hosts along with teachers actively studied Finnish/Italian culture, local foods, local products and local entrepreneurs. They learned what it is like to be an entrepreneur in Finland and in Italy by talking to entrepreneurs. They also visited some of the entrepreneurs and we arranged workshops where the students could try their hand at making some local products themselves. Host families played an important role in presenting the Finnish/Italian culture to the guests. Isokyrö and Cittanova and the surrounding areas became familiar to the guests during these activities.

Students were divided into smaller groups and they started planning their own company: what they would offer, how they were going to finance their business and so on. At the end of the activity in Isokyrö the students had an opporturnity to pitch their business ideas to professinals and they got recommendations on how to further improve their ideas. At the end of the activity in Cittanova the best idea for business was awarded. There we also invited local entrepreneurs to arrange a fair where they presented themselves and their products.


Before and after the mobilities there were online activities to ensure proper preparation for the mobilities but also to help students to get to know their hosts/guests and their home countries, and to make sure there were no breaches in communication.

Results of the project:

Students widened their cultural/intercultural awareness and improved their social skills. Working in transnational groups enriched the experience further, as students shared ideas, views, responsibilities and tasks with each other. This project enhanced critical thinking and entrepreneurship in our students, stimulating students' creative contribution to problem solving situations. During this project their attitude to collaboration has been refined and they have developed effective communication strategies.



Erasmuksesta muualla:





Juttu pohjankyrössä


Erasmus+ europa.eu


Oppilaiden esityksiä projektista:


Maanantai Suomessa 2023

Tiistai Suomessa 2023

Keskiviikko Suomessa 2023

Torstai Suomessa 2023

Perjantai Suomessa 2023


Maanantai Italiassa 2023

Tiistai Italiassa 2023

Keskiviikko Italiassa 2023

Torstai Italiassa 2023

Perjantai Italiassa 2023



Kuvia projektitapaamisista Isossakyrössa ja Cittanovassa.



Mainostoimisto Semio